If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, you likely have a long to-do list. While we don’t mean to add anything to your plate, Yorba Linda Pet Care Center wants to remind you that hosting pet-friendly holidays is important. Pet safety during this season doesn’t have to be difficult, but you do need to pay attention so that your four-legged friends can enjoy the holiday as well.
Keep the Social Interactions Fun
There is a lot of coming and going and interacting and chatting that happens during holiday events. For some of our pets this is a great time, but for many it can be quite overwhelming.
Be sure that Thanksgiving is a fun time for your pets by:
- Creating a Quiet Place — Make sure that your pet has a quiet, cozy area where they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed. This might be a separate room or even their crate. This space should have comforting items like their bed, toys, and water. Use white noise and dim lighting to create a sense of calm. Pet calming pheromones are also a great addition. This space should be off-limits to guests.
- Maintaining a Routine — Be sure that your pet feels secure by maintaining their normal feeding and exercise schedule. Consistency can help to minimize stress.
- Taking it Slow — Allow pets to interact with guests at their own pace. Some may want to be friends right away while others may need a little time before they approach.
- Supervising Children — If your guests include young children, make sure they interact with your pet safely. Some pets may not be used to the energy of children. Always supervise interactions to decrease stress and maintain safety.
Consider using pet gates to block off-limits areas and help keep pets from open doors. This helps prevent your pet from exiting during comings and goings. It is also a good idea to make sure your pet’s identification (like a tag or microchip) is up to date just in case.
Think of Pet Safety When Decorating
As you decorate, keep pet safety in mind. Pretty things mean nothing if they are putting your loved ones at risk.
In particular, use caution with:
- Ribbons or bows that may be chewed or ingested
- Decorative gourds or corn that could cause an obstruction
- Cords or wires that could cause tangling or harm if chewed
- Open flames and candles that could be knocked over
- Hot wax melts or liquid potpourri that could cause burns or toxicity
- Decorative plants that could be toxic if ingested
- Glass ornaments and other baubles that could easily break
Feast Carefully
While Thanksgiving would be nothing without the tasty treats, much of pet Thanksgiving safety relies on avoiding foods that can be harmful for your pets. Before slipping Fido or Fluffy their own dinner plate, remember that upset stomachs can occur easily.
Also be mindful about potentially harmful foods including:
- Fatty meats like bacon or ham
- Turkey skin
- Side dishes or gravy containing lots of butter, grease, onions, or garlic
- Anything containing grapes or raisins
- Chocolate, especially dark or baking chocolate
- The artificial sweetener xylitol
- Bones
- Alcoholic beverages
- Food scraps in the trash
If you would like to share a holiday treat, consider a small portion of lean meat, baked or roasted sweet potato or carrots, or a dollop of canned pumpkin.
Also take some time to secure your trash cans and remind your guests that sharing isn’t always caring.
Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude, including being thankful for the companionship of our pets. By taking a few precautions and planning ahead, you can ensure that your Thanksgiving celebration is a safe, stress-free, and joyous occasion for both your human and animal family members. Let us know if you have questions, we are here to help during the holidays and any other time of year.